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14-15 March



The Conference is now over! Thank you for participating

Group Discussion


Google Docs

The Conference is now over! Thank you for participating

The Conference is now over! Thank you for participating


Below you will find the most up to date programme of the conference. (These are the same as the links above)

Hotels and Conference Location

The Genus Conference 2022 will take place at Sankt Gertruds on Östergatan 7B in Malmö.

Click Here for more information and recommended hotels.

Introduction and Info


Three Nordic institutions have united to focus on gender balance and equity. With support from NordPlus they have developed a three-year plan for conferences in major, nordic cities. In 2019 in Kristiansand, the focus was on the unequal gender balance in higher music education. In 2021 online via zoom, we "zoomed" in on the years before reaching higher music education. In 2022 the focus will be on the years after having completed your music degree and the experience of joining the music industry. Welcome!

The 2022 Genus Conference will be held in Malmö as well as online! With COVID-19 vaccines now available, and travel restrictions lessened, this years conference is planned to go back to an in-person setting. To be able to hold an as "green" conference as possible, this years conference will also be held on Zoom in parallell to the in-person events. This makes it possible for those who live further away and can't make it to Malmö in an environmentally friendly way to also attend the conference.


The programme is focuses on a mix of topics centring around the music industry and higher music education. We aim to present multiple perspectives and make the information presented as engaging and thought provoking as possible with a big focus on discussion.


The Genus Conference is a meeting-place for institutions who want to make a change. By creating an online toolbox together, and discussing our best/worst practices, failures and successes, we hope to see a positive development within gender equality for the future. The toolbox already contains concrete measures for institutions to use, based on the findings of the 2019 and 2021 conferences. In 2022 we will in no doubt be adding to it a lot. 


We challenge the participating institutions to register at least 3 persons to the conference and we are hoping for a diverse mix of headmasters, students, musicians, teachers, administrative staff etc. You all bring important perspectives and greatly add to the discussion and findings during the conference.

We are looking forward to seeing you on the 14th and 15th of March 2022. The GENUS-conference is arranged by University of Agder (Norway), The Royal Academy of Music (Denmark) and Malmö Academy of Music (Sweden) and supported by Nordplus. 


The Conference is now over! Thank you for participating


Sarah Raine

Sarah Raine is a Research Fellow in Ethnomusicology at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance at the University of Limerick (Ireland). Sarah’s published research considers issues of gender and generation, authenticity and identity, and the construction of the past and present in popular music scene and industry. She is the author of Authenticity and Belonging in the Northern Soul Scene(Palgrave Macmillan: 2020) and the co-editor of Towards Gender Equality in the Music Industry(with Dr Catherine Strong, Bloomsbury: 2019) and The Northern Soul Scene (with Tim Wall and Nicola Watchman Smith, Equinox Publishing: 2019). Sarah is also the co-Managing Editor of Riffsand acts as a Book Series Editor for Equinox Publishing (Music Industry Studies / Icons of Pop Music) and an Editor for Jazz Research Journal (alongside Nic Pillai).

Meet our 2022 speakers:

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